Press release

NEWS: Industry-led doctoral training partnership focused on sustainable innovation to develop a new generation of agri scientists

An industry-wide consortium, led by producer organisation G’s Growers, has won a UKRI-BBSRC collaborative training partnership award (CTP) to provide a £3.6 million postgraduate training programme in sustainable agricultural innovation.

The programme has been co-developed with NIAB as part of its alliance with the University of Cambridge, the Crop Science Centre, the James Hutton Institute and leading UK universities.

New approaches to spotted wing drosophila control will open leading soft fruit event

Research results from projects looking at pest and disease control, to future strawberry varieties, will be shared at an online webinar on Tuesday 16th November 2021.

The event will feature a wide range of topics, starting with recent research into new approaches to spotted wing drosophila (SWD) control, including reducing over-wintering populations and egg-laying deterrents.

NEWS: Innovative funding grants set to boost Kent & Medway area now open

The collaborative R&D grants, made available by Growing Kent & Medway, will be awarded to proposals that demonstrate the potential to positively impact the local economy. Successful applicants will also be asked to commit to delivering community engagement in the Kent and Medway region.

Local businesses operating in the sector are encouraged to attend an online briefing event on 14 September 2014 to maximise their chances of accessing the £2million available.

‘NEWS: Don’t over-complicate’ future regulation of genetic technologies, warns NIAB

However, NIAB has expressed concern that the proposed creation of a new ACRE-2 organisation, led and staffed by permanently employed risk assessors and regulators, as the central organising node for the regulation of new products of genetic technologies, and the suggestion that this new regulatory pathway should be used as a trial for the regulation of simple gene edited products, could create unnecessary layers of additional regulation, and could deter investment in UK-based plant breeding innovation.


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