Are you the best student wheat grower in the country?
The NIAB Agronomy Cup is an annual unique trials-based crop challenge begun in 2012. It aims to engage with the next generation of agricultural advisors and crop scientists whilst showcasing practical agronomic science and crop research.
Open to agriculture and crop science students from universities and colleges across the UK the competition is based on the outcome of a team’s agronomy, farm management and agricultural decision-making skills.
But it differs from other crop trial competitions as these agronomic decisions are tested on fully-replicated field plots at a NIAB trials site local to the team, rather than as a desk-based challenge or at a single central location. In this way the competition emphasises the importance of field observations, basing decisions on those observations and then understanding and interpreting the results from field trials. It also shows how local conditions may lead to differing agronomic decisions compared to a national view.
For further information contact Ian Midgley
Former winners
2019 - IBERS - Aberystwyth University
2018 - IBERS - Aberystwyth University
2017 - IBERS - Aberystwyth University
2016 - Duchy College
2015 - Newcastle University
2014 - Royal Agricultural University
2013 - Easton and Otley College
2012 - Harper Adams University
Share news and views
All teams are encouraged to tweet us photos of your trial visits @NIABGroup using the hashtag #NIABAgronomyCup. Please keep in contact with NIAB’s communications team with updates and pictures throughout the season, for publicity use.