Plant Clinic (Horticulture)

Post samples, with a completed booking form to:

NIAB Horticulture Plant Clinic, NIAB, New Road, East Malling, ME19 6BJ

Services lsited are for horticultural and UK-grown soft fruit, stone fruit and top fruit only. All agricultural plant clinic samples should be sent to NIAB LabTest at Cambridge.

Booking form

Contact: [at]

For further information contact: jennifer.kingsnorth [at] (Jennifer Kingsnorth) or tom.passey [at] (Dr Thomas Passey)

For queries on field trials or pesticide testing contact: Adrian Harris

CURRENT FEES (excl VAT) from 1 April 2024

All samples are subject to an £80 fee for processing and administration fees (more than four samples may incur an additional cost).

  Price per sample    
Service 1 sample 2-6 samples >6 samples
Identification of pests (report time 2-7 days) £130    
Verticillium wilt soil test (report time 6 weeks) £450 £400 £360
Isolation and morphological identification of fungal, oomycete and bacterial pathogens (report time 1-3 weeks) £110 - -
DNA identification of fungal and oomycete isolates (includes DNA extraction and ITS barcoding) (report time 2-3 weeks) £240 £220 £200


Significant crop damage may occur unless pests, diseases, weeds or nutritional disorders are dealt with early. Whether it is damage to the growing crop or to the harvested produce in store, action needs to be taken quickly to prevent financial loss. Before remedial action can be taken, the precise cause of the problem must be diagnosed. Incorrect identification may lead to significant delay in the implementation of effective corrective measures.


The NIAB Horticulture Plant Clinic offers a rapid, confidential service to pest and disease identification service to commercial fruit growers and consultants. The Clinic is underpinned by the extensive team of horticultural scientists at NIAB's site at East Malling in the UK, operating in state-of-the-art laboratories using conventional diagnosis and molecular techniques.


NIAB maintains close contact with the fruit crops industry to ensure that research is focused clearly on its immediate and long term needs. When new problems arise, we respond rapidly, using existing expertise to provide practical solutions. The NIAB Horticulture Plant Clinic is included in the overall service, to diagnose fruit crop problems and provide guidance on appropriate remedial action.