
Dr Shraddha Dahale

During my Ph.D., I worked with Dr. Saikat Bhattacharjee at the UNESCO-Regional Centre for Biotechnology, Faridabad, India where I elucidated the virulence function of HopA1 effectors from different pathovars of Pseudomonas syrinage and its evolution to avoid its recognition in planta. Following my Ph.D., I worked as a visiting Researcher with Prof. Florian Grundler at the University of Bonn, Germany where I was involved in studying the plant-nematode interaction.

Dr Nastasiya Grinberg

Nastasiya is a mathematician with a background in probability theory and statistics and interest in solving complex biological questions through mathematical modelling and use of machine learning. She is particular interested in alternative approaches to modelling and analysis of biological data, such as FSPM (functional-structural crop modelling) and use of formal logic. Other interests involve multi-scale modelling (integration of knowledge from several different domains) and method development.

Jack Poulden

I work with Nathan Morris and David Clarke as part of the NIAB Soils team at Morley in Norfolk. Predominately my work is focused on long term research projects looking at; improving soil health, cultivations, crop rotations, cover cropping, fungicide performance and soil amendments. Our work is mostly based out of Morley and across East Anglia including our Saxmundham research site and the STAR project, Suffolk.

Dr Sarah Arnold

Sarah specialises in the ecology and biology of pest and beneficial insects in fruit horticulture, both in the UK and overseas. She has a particular interest in the behaviour and ecology of pollinators, and also works on pest-plant and predator-pest interactions in the context of sustainable pest management.

She leads research into the biology and control of a range of crop pests, and into optimising pollinators on UK fruit crops, including by precision management of commercial pollinators.

Deborah Babalola

Research interests

Deborah has a BTech and MSc in Biochemistry. Her research interest is in the applications of genetics and genomic tools to crop improvement for economic sustainability, enhanced nutrition, and health.

She is currently enrolled in the CTP-FCR PhD studentship in Crop Sciences at the University of Reading and based at NIAB East Malling. Her PhD research is focused on understanding the mechanism and genetic control of primocane and floricane fruiting habits in raspberries and blackberries.

Lorenzo Borleanu

Staring as a Trials Officer at NIAB in 2015, Lorenzo Borleanu became a Trials Manager three years later, before moving onto Field Trials Centre Manager in 2022.

Lorenzo is responsible for the Kent Centre management, this includes oversight of the allocation, distribution, conduct and recording of trials, ensuring appropriate levels and utilisation of resources to deliver products, services and results that meet customer demands in terms of timeliness and specification.


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