NIAB is currently not offering this service, but we hope to resume this later in 2024. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and please contact us for any further information.
NIAB offers a comprehensive DNA fingerprinting service of rosaceous plant samples to establish accurate species and varietal identification and comparison.
The service, using plant tissue samples obtained at the point of propagation, within the field or at the point of sale, is based on a unique fingerprinting toolkit, developed at NIAB, which can be applied to your individual needs.
NIAB’s DNA fingerprinting service builds on the extensive breeding and plant genetics research at our East Malling site, and includes:
• Utilisation of large-scale germplasm reference databases of strawberry, apple, pear and raspberry varieties
• Establishment of trueness-to-type
• Varietal comparisons between samples
• Protocol development as required
To see how NIAB’s DNA analysis expertise can benefit your business, contact Helen Appleyard via labtest [at]