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NEWS: Pathogen virulence monitoring comes from the ground up, says UKCPVS

The UK Cereal Pathogen Virulence Survey (UKCPVS) is calling for the industry to monitor cereal crops and send in diseased samples for analysis.

Managed by NIAB, and funded by HGCA and Fera, the UKCPVS tracks potential shifts in UK pathogen populations, identifying areas of concern – particularly potential breakdown in varietal disease resistance.

INDUSTRY NEWS: Scientists transfer pathogen-sensing ‘antenna’ gene to wheat

A team of scientists from the John Innes Centre (JIC), the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) and The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL) have successfully transferred a receptor that recognises bacteria from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana - a dicot, to wheat – a monocot. They showed that the receptor can trigger a defensive response and confers increased resistance to bacterial disease.

NEWS: New genomics-driven surveillance to track crop diseases

New genomics driven surveillance strategy to tackle emerging and re-emerging crop pathogens that threaten global food security

UK scientists from The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC), John Innes Centre (JIC), The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL) and the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) have developed a new robust and rapid genomics strategy to track the devastating wheat yellow rust pathogen.

NEWS: NIAB's Sophi Taylor Building BREEAM 2015 finalist

The National Institute of Agricultural Botany’s visitor centre has been short-listed for a national ‘green’ construction award for the second year in a row.

The Sophi Taylor Building, opened in 2013, is one of only four construction projects short-listed for the BREEAM 2015 award in the ‘offices – new construction’ category, in recognition of the building’s environmental credentials in construction and management. The other buildings are 1 Pancras Square at Kings Cross, Blox in Prague and the Tata Steel Visitor Centre in Port Talbot.


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