News article

NEWS: Disease tolerant genes renew hope for UK ash trees

Researchers have identified genetic markers for disease tolerance that suggest UK ash trees may have a fighting chance against a fungal infection that has the potential to wipe out 90% of the European ash tree population.

The disease, called ash dieback, was first identified in Poland, where it devastated the native ash tree population. It rapidly spread across northern Europe, and was discovered in the UK in 2012.

Goodbye Adisham, hello East Malling

Another regional office address change for our NIAB TAG trials teams. The south-east regional field trials centre has moved to our NIAB EMR site at East Malling, after many years around Adisham and Wye.

The relocation is a natural move with the facilities and trials land available at NIAB EMR. Trials managers Lorenzo Borleanu and Gloria Endredi are looking forward to welcoming members and customers to the site.


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