
Dr Elizabeth Stockdale

Elizabeth has over 25 years applied soil and nutrient management research experience and has engaged with a wide range of research projects connected with the study of nutrient cycling in soils and with the environmental impact of farming systems. At the smallest scale she has applied isotope dilution techniques to investigate mineralisation, immobilisation and nitrification processes. Most recently she has been very active in developing farmer-focussed approaches to measurement of soil health and developing on-farm toolkits for improved soil management.

Sally Rule

Sally is a technical specialist for DUS testing of cereal crops at NIAB. With over 35 years experience, Sally is currently responsible for character evaluation and uniformity assessments on new candidate varieties entered for National Listing and Plant Breeder's Rights. Sally is a senior lecturer on NIAB’s cereal crop inspector courses and has worked in seed certification and on a wide range of crops including cereals, oilseeds, herbage and pulses.


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