Applications close 10 June 2022
Complete & Submit Abstract Form
To be considered for this award please pre-fix your abstract title with PS ECSA.
ECSA Competition
The EMCRF recognises and supports the scientific achievements of emerging researchers in the field of cereal rust and powdery mildews through the Patrick Schweizer Early-Career Scientist Award.
To be eligible for this award applicants should either have graduated with a PhD or equivalent no earlier than December 2015, or still be studying for a research degree.
If you wish to be considered for this award please pre-fix your abstract title with PS ECSA. A winner will be selected from the abstracts received. The winner will be invited to give a 30 minute presentation. The award covers delegate registration, 2 nights accommodation in Clare College, a ticket to the Conference dinner and some travel costs, up to a maximum of €1500 EUR.
By entering into this competition , the applicants accept that the selection panel's decision is final. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 10 June 2022. The winner will be notified no later than 15 July 2022.
About Patrick Schweizer
Patrick began his scientific career in Switzerland, qualifying as a professor at the University of Zurich in 2001. In 2000 he moved to the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) in Gatersleben, Germany, where he headed a research group focused on powdery mildew resistance in cereals for nearly two decades. He also coordinated The Plant Genome Resource Centre at IPK, the International Barley Genome Net, and was a member of the German Central Committee on Biological Safety. Patrick's scientific expertise and excellent repuation as a lecturer, consultant, coordinator and coach were highly appreciated worldwide.
Patrick's tragic passing in March 2018 was a major loss, both to international cereal pathology, and to his many friends and colleagues.
Complete & Submit Abstract Form
Abstract Deadline 10 June 2022
Bringing a poster? icrpmc2022 [at] niab.com (subject: Poster%20Space%20Booking) (Book a space)