Cereal Rusts & Powdery Mildews Conference 2022
Welcome to the 16th International Cereal Rusts and Powdery Mildews Conference 2022
Clare College, Cambridge, UK
31 August - 2 September 2022
Thank you to everyone who attended ICRPMC 2022.
ICRPMC 2022 was organised by NIAB on behalf of the European and Mediterranean Cereal Rust Foundation (EMCRF). Its mission was to promote and disseminate the latest scientific advances in research on cereal rusts and powdery mildews, and facilitate discussions and collaboration towards globally sustainable cereal disease management.
Thursday 1 September 2022
08:30 Registration & welcome refreshments
09:00 Opening remarks
09:20 Session 1: Pathogen genomics, biology and epidemology. Chair: Robert Park
Adaptive genome evolution of the cereal powdery mildew fungi. Keynote: Stefan Kusch
09:50 Success and failure of invasive races of plant pathogens: the case of Puccinia striiformis f.s p.
tritici in France. Tiphaine Vidal
The Euro-Mediterranean population of Puccinia triticina on durum wheat is structured into
two genetic groups with distinct pathotypes. Roula Shamsi
Pathogenomics of wheat strip rust reveals a population shift in western Canada.
Samuel Holden
10:50 Refreshment break
11:20 Tracking the spread of a new population of the airborne fungal pathogen Puccinia graminis f.
sp. tritici in Sweden between years. Anna Berlin
Impact of host on shaping the pathogen population structure - the case study of Puccinia
striiformis in its Himalayan centre of Diversity. Sajid Ali
Comparative population genetic structure suggested high divergence between the diverse
and recombinant P. striiformis populations of China and Pakistan. Muhammad Awais
12:20 Lunch and posters
Group photo
13:20 Announcements
13:30 Session 2: Early Career Scientist Awards. Chair: Lesley Boyd
Cereal rust fungi undergo sexual reproduction in barberry species present in Europe.
Julian Rodriguez Algaba (BSPP awardee)
The Barley powdery mildew resistance gene MIa3 recognises the blast effector PWL2, and
its function is dosage-dependent. Diana Gomez de la Cruz (BSPP awardee)
A low-cost, high throughput method for determining rust effector protease targets for use
in decoy engineering. Tyler Frailie (BSPP awardee)
Mapping and validation of a stem rust seedling resistance gene in South African winter
wheat varieties. Martin Chemonges (BGRI awardee)
Mapping of Aegilops speltoides derived leaf rust resistance gene (LrS2427) and its
utilisation in wheat disease resistance breeding. Niranjana Murukan (BGRI awardee)
Unravelling the molecular basis of wheat powdery mildew's virulence patterns through
ultraviolet mutagenesis. Zoe Bernasconi (Patrick Schweizer awardee)
15:30 Refreshment break
16:00 Session 3: Integrated diease control and breeding for resistance. Chair: Charlotte Nellist
From plant breeding to integrated management of varietal resistances.
Keynote: Jérôme Enjalbert
16:30 Yellowhammer: A genome-wide association study of field yellow rust resistance in
European winter wheat (Triticium aestivum). Camila Zanella
Genetic mapping of barley stripe rust reistance loci from diverse wild and landrace
accessions. James Russel
Three-year field nurseries on the susceptibility of European wheat varieties to novel rust
races. Philipp Schulz
Summoning the ancestors: unearthing resistance to stripe rust in Aegilops tauschii.
Vincent Fetterley
17:50 Talks finish for the day
19:00 Conference Dinner (Conference Dinner ticket holders only)
Friday 2 September 2022
08:30 Welcome refreshments
09:00 Announcements
09:10 Session 3 continued: Integrated disease control and breeding for resistance.
Chair: Charlotte Nellist
Control of wheat stem rust (Puccinia gramminis f. sp. tritici) - studies on fungicide efficacy
depending on temperature, application date and dose rate in climate chamber and field
trials. Anne-Kristin Schmitt
Genome-wide association mapping across multiple field environments identifies a stable
QTL for yellow rust resistance on chromosome 6A. Min Lin
09:50 Session 4: Molecular and cell biology of plant-pathogen interactions.
Chair: Thierry Marcel
Genomics-assisted cloning of durable rust resistance genes in wheat.
Keynote: Simon Krattinger
10:20 Long-read genome sequencing of bread wheat facilitates disease resistance gene cloning.
Kaveenkumar Athiyanna
NRLseek: A High-Throughput Trait Discovery Pipeline for Functional NLRs. Helen Brabham
New Molecular Mechanisms of race-specific Resistance: From NLRs to Novel Chimeric
Immune Receptors. Javier Sanchez-Martin
11:20 Refreshment break
11:50 Cloning of novel stripe rust resistance gene with a partial dominance mode of function
derived from wheat wild relative. Valentyna Klymiuk
Cultivar dependent amplitute of soil bacteria-induced leaf rust resistance in wheat.
Fabio Mascher
Wheat transcription factors involved in plant immunity are targeted by the powdery
mildew effector AvrPm2. Beatrice Manser
12:50 Lunch and posters
13:50 Announcements
14:00 Session 5: Global landscapes of cereal rust and powdery mildew fungi.
Chair: Mogens Hovmoller
Drivers of evolution within yellow and stem rust. Keynote: Annemarie Fejer Justesen
14:30 Is aggressiveness a significant component of the adaptation of populations of Puccinia
Triticina to the cultivated landscape? Cecilia Fontyn
Management of rust diseases using IPM-principles. Lise Nistrup
Tackling a formidable foe: the fightback against a forgotten enemy in Western Europe.
Diane Saunders
15:30 Refreshment break
16:00 Genebank 2.0: An integrated strategy to a digital catalogue of wheat genetic diversity.
Dimitar Douchkov
What have we learned about wheat stripe rust in Canada - where are we heading?
Gurcharm Brar
Wheat Rust Early Warning System prevents yellow rust epidemic in Ethiopean wheat fields.
David Hobson
17:00 Closing remarks
Sessions will be held on key topics including:
- Pathogen Genomics, Biology and Epidemiology
- Keynote Speaker: Dr Stefan Kusch, RWTH, Aachen, Germany
- Integrated disease control and breeding for resistance
- Keynote Speaker: Dr Jérôme Enjalbert, INRAE, France
- Molecular and Cell Biology of Plant-Pathogen Interactions
- Keynote Speaker: Prof. Simon Krattinger, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
- Global Landscapes of Cereal Rust and Powdery Mildew Fungi
- Keynote Speaker: Dr Annemarie Fejer Justesen, Aarhus University (part of GRRC), Denmark