News article

PRESS RELEASE: A microscopic view of ergot infecting wheat wins science photography award

Proving that agricultural science can be visually stunning as well as informative an image of the ergot fungus (Claviceps purpurea) growing inside wheat stigma hairs is a winning entry at the Wellcome Image Awards, an annual science and medical photography competition.

The image shows the ergot hyphae growing through the same tissues of the wheat flower as a growing pollen tube would do during pollination. The wheat stigma hairs are only 25 micrometres, or 0.025mm, wide.

President of the European Commission visits NIAB in Cambridge

President José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, toured NIAB as part of a visit to Cambridge to see how European funding is helping to strengthen the city’s reputation for world-leading innovation, particularly in plant and environmental research and technologies. President Barroso saw how the InCrops project is helping entrepreneurs exploit the versatility of crops to make environmentally-friendly products and reduce natural waste.

New centre aims to help UK Farming address production and sustainability challenges

Two leading UK institutes have joined forces with food retailer Waitrose to establish a new centre, aimed at helping the UK farming and food sector to meet increasing challenges in food production and sustainability.

Called the Centre of Excellence for UK Farming, or CEUKF, the new centre will provide a network of expertise to help ensure that the best information and advice on developments in science, innovation and practical know-how are accessible to provide real benefits across the supply chain.

MP calls for improved co-ordination of food and farming research

The Chair of an influential agricultural parliamentary group has highlighted the enormous potential of East Anglia’s agricultural research and life sciences sectors on a visit to the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) in Cambridge.

George Freeman, Conservative MP for Mid-Norfolk and Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Science and Technology in Agriculture, visited NIAB as part of his drive to unlock the east of England’s significant strengths in agricultural research and food science.

Farming Futures Workshop

THURSDAY 1 FEBRUARY 2011, 9.30-3.00PM

Closing the yield gap: free workshop on innovation and technology for arable farmers

Arable farmers are invited to a free Farming Futures workshop on 1st February to explore what the latest innovation, science and technology could mean for your farm. The workshop will look to unpick the latest developments in plant science and consider its role for helping farmers feed a growing population in a climate changed world.


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