CHCx3 herbal ley field demo & workshop - 1 May 24

Wednesday 1st May, 10.30-15.00

Free event

The event is now fully booked. If you would like to be put on the waiting list, please email jasmine.toole [at] 

Event address:
FarmED, Honeydale Farm, Station Road, Shipton under Wychwood, OX7 6BJ

Come and join us at FarmED for an interactive day exploring how herbal leys can be used to improve resilience and increase carbon capture in your soils.

The day, which will be hosted by the FarmED team and NIAB, will include:

  • Morning workshop: Overview of the CHCx3 project and herbal ley research
  • Field walk of the ongoing herbal ley trial
  • Afternoon workshops: Focusing on herbal ley agronomy and carbon capture
  • Refreshments throughout the day and lunch

Desired outcomes:

  • Better understanding of which species to choose and mix within herbal leys
  • Understand the agronomic requirements for the chosen herbal ley species
  • Improved knowledge of how to use herbal leys to increase soil organic matter and carbon capture
  • Exchange knowledge between growers and with researchers


10.15-10.30 Arrival and coffee
10.30-10.40 Introduction from Lydia Smith (NIAB), CHCx3 Project Lead
10.40-11.00 Talk from Jed Soleiman about his PhD work at FarmED on the Herbal ley trial
11.00-12.30 Field tour of ongoing herbal ley trial
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.45 Afternoon workshops
14.45-15.00 Closing remarks and depart