Send samples to:
Niab Analytical Services, Barn 1, Park Farm, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9NZ
Contact us
For any testing queries please email labtest [at] niab.com
Alternatively, please call:
01223 342248 or 07747 461693 – Helen Appleyard for seed testing, disease testing and potato testing queries
07713 476458 – Jayne Davis for disease testing queries
07966 412407 – Danny Delgado-Rosas for Queries on protein, nitrogen, Hagberg and oil testing.
Submitting samples for testing
You can send samples in for testing using your own bags/postage methods or you can request Niab send you prepaid envelopes and sample bags to cover the costs. To request these please call 01223 342243 or email labtest [at] niab.com
Samples must be submitted with an order form outlining sender details and where the invoice will be sent. It should also detail the testing required.
Details on the testing we provide, as well as a timeframe of when to expect results, can be found on our price listings.
Once testing is complete we will send an invoice to the addresses specified on the order form.-
Quality and traceability
Niab Analytical Services has a unique capability of scale, scope and staff experience in crop quality testing, covering cereals, herbage, sugar beet, oilseeds, vegetables and potatoes. These services are increasingly valued by breeders, processors and researchers seeking high throughput, cost-effective biochemical screening services to determine crop quality and variety characteristics.
Pathogen diagnostics
Niab Analytical Services’s pathogen diagnostics encompasses a wide range of research and technical applications, backed by extensive knowledge in the detection and control of crop diseases, including seed health testing, potato tuber health, soil testing for various pathogenic agents, and a wider Plant Clinic service diagnosing problems in the growing crop.
Seed quality
Niab’s seed quality section covers both the function of the Official Seed Testing Station (OSTS) and commercial services to growers and their advisers. Accredited by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), the Official Seed Testing Station (OSTS) for England and Wales is based at Niab Park Farm near Cambridge, and provides critical support to the statutory systems for Defra and the UK seeds industry. Using standardised and precise techniques and extensive specialist knowledge Niab has unique expertise in seed sampling, biology and purity. The traditional skills first used by Niab when it was established 100 years ago still form the basis of the work, enhanced by faster, modern analytical methods.
Plant Clinic (agriculture)
Niab runs a diagnostic plant clinic service to examine plants, seeds and soil for any pests or plant pathogens. Results are enhanced by the expertise of agronomy and science specialists within Niab.