Follow the journey of the Designing Future Wheat Team! From crossing in the glasshouses, through growing in field trials to data analysis, these videos show you how NIAB is involved in Designing Future Wheat.
Richard Horsnell explains the first steps of Designing Future Wheat. In the glasshouses at NIAB, he shows us how he makes the initial crosses, and explains what we're trying to achieve.
Drought trial
Rob Jackson from NIAB's Genetics and Breeding team talks us through the drought trial as the new lines of wheat move outside the glasshouse. This trial looks at understanding traits of interest that may confer drought resistance.
Pre-breeding nurseries
Richard Horsnell gives an overview of the pre-breeding selection and core nurseries, before Fiona Leigh takes a closer look at some of the material coming through.
Data analysis
Once the growing season is over, it's time to look at the data. Tally Wright from the NIAB Genetics and Breeding team explains how we analyse data from trials in the Designing Future Wheat project.