Recognition (Common green capsid)

5.0-6.5 mm long. Bright green with a dusky yellow pubescence.

Pale to bright green, tips of antennae orange-red. Fast moving

1.3 mm long, banana-shaped, cream, smooth and shiny. Inserted into the stems of plants.

Other pests with which the common green capsid may be confused

Other capsids

  • Adults and nymphs of the apple capsid, Plesiocoris rugicollis, are very similar in appearance to those of the common green capsid.
  • However, the apple capsid is uncommon in commercial apple orchards as it is sensitive to insecticides and does not occur on a wide range of other host plants.
  • It is more common in unsprayed and organic apple orchards where it can be an important pest.

Green apple aphid and apple grass aphid

  • These aphids have a green appearance and are found in the growing points of plants.
  • However, aphids are slow moving or sedentary and often occur in colonies.
  • They have honey tubes (siphunculi) whereas capsids do not.
  • Aphids do not cause the chlorotic feeding puncture marks that are characteristic of capsids