12 March 2025 09.30 - 12.00
Headley Hall, University of Leeds Field Station, LS24 9NT
The Northern Farming Hub is a new collaboration between Catchment Sensitive Farming, The University of Leeds and Niab to bring the very best speakers to north-east England. The project will evolve over time, covering a wide range of topics that will be guided by attendees. The event format is informal, with discussions encouraged and different opinions welcome.
Two further events will be run during spring/summer 2025 – 30th April (‘Trees and hedgerows on farm’) and 18th June (‘Managing bi-cropping’) Details of these events will be published shortly.
BASIS and NRoSO CPD points applied for.
9:30am: Arrival, refreshments
09:45-10:00 Welcome and introduction (Mark Taylor – Catchment Sensitive Farming)
10.00-11.15 Field tour and discussion on management of herbal leys and leys in rotation (Ben Rodgers – Catchment Sensitive Farming, Pippa Chapman and Ruth Wade – University of Leeds)
11:15-11:20 Return to Headley Hall
11:20-11:40 Maximising the benefits of leys in arable rotations (Prof. Jonathan Leake, University of Sheffield)
11:40-12:00 SFI options for leys in rotation (Greg Crawford - Niab)