Brown rot - other diseases that may be confused with brown rot

In the orchard

Brown rot cankers can be confused with other cankers, especially those caused by blossom wilt (see Diagnosis of cankers, in Apple Canker section [hyperlink ?]).

  • Mummified fruit are usually distinctive especially when sporing.
  • Similarly, brown rot in the orchard is easily distinguished from other rots by the buff-coloured pustules.
  • Botryosphaeria obtusa can also cause a brown rot on apples before harvest, usually at the eye end of the fruit and associated with a wound.
  • This rot can be distinguished from brown rot by the absence of buff-coloured pustules, the possible presence of pin head-sized fruiting bodies, and the fact that it is usually very firm.

In store

Distinguishing brown rot from other rots may be more difficult since many are brown in colour.

  • Brown rot may be confused with Botrytis rot, Phytophthora rot, particularly on Gala, Jonagold and Egremont Russet.
  • The identity of the rot may only be determined by a specialist and may require culturing onto artificial media in the laboratory to be certain.