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Equipment for post-storage grading of fruits
- Selection of equipment equal to the task should be part of any assessment before committing apples to a packing line.
- The scale of operation will influence the equipment decision.
- Large packing operations depend on large volume throughput for cost-efficient operation.
- Small/medium sites will generally grade and pack as part of one operation.
- Large operations will generally carry out the grading and packing in two parts.
- Raw material should be off-loaded by water flotation into water flumes, passing onto the grading line where fruit size, colour and defects are sorted either with human selection or by high specification camera.
- Fruit is then returned to designated water flumes before, collection and return to bins.
- Bins are then returned to cold store, before returning to the packing line.
- The intended customer outlet i.e. multiple, wholesaler or processor may also influence the decision on grading.
- Lower value outlets may not justify the use of expensive high technology operations.