Nutritional guidelines that combine adequate cropping with good storage potential


  • In Cox orchards apply sufficient nitrogen fertiliser to achieve a maximum nitrogen concentration of 2.6% (dry weight) in leaves and 70 mg 100g-1 (fresh weight) in fruit at harvest.
  • In Bramley orchards apply sufficient nitrogen fertiliser to achieve a minimum nitrogen concentration of 2.6% (dry weight) in leaves (M9 only) and a maximum nitrogen concentration 60 mg 100g-1 (fresh weight) in fruit at harvest.  Bramley on MM106 should have a maximum leaf N concentration of 2.6%.
  • Specific analysis data for Gala and Braeburn are not available but it is suggested to follow the recommendation for Cox of 2.6% (dry weight). However, the typical average for Gala is 2.3% N (Nutrient Management Guide RB209).
  • Economise on the use of nitrogen fertiliser by minimising grass/weed competition for water and nitrogen.
  • Further information on nitrogen.


  • Supplement phosphorus nutrition in orchards where there is a history of flesh breakdown in stored fruit and where low phosphorus is implicated in the problem. Proprietary products are available for this purpose. These include ‘Seniphos’ (Yara Phosyn Ltd) that has proved particularly effective in raising phosphorus levels and reducing low temperature breakdown in Cox and Bramley apples.
  • In Cox orchards, achieve a minimum phosphorus concentration of 0.24% (dry weight) in leaves and raise leaf phosphorus concentrations in Bramley to the higher end of the suggested range (0.18-0.23%).
  • For Gala and Braeburn, leaf phosphorus standards should follow that of Cox (0.2-0.25% dry weight). Gala is naturally low in phosphorus compared to Cox but it does not affect storage potential.
  • Apply phosphorus sprays in mid-June to mid-July to reduce susceptibility of fruits to breakdown in store. This is particularly important for Bramley where a third of orchards achieve fruit phosphorus levels below the recommended threshold of 9 mg 100g-1 (fresh weight).
  • Further information on  phosphorus.


Potassium supply in orchards should be sufficient for adequate growth and cropping but major adverse effects occur during storage in fruit with excessive potassium.

  • Potassium deficiency may be corrected by applying 3 sprays of potassium sulphate at 14-day intervals from petal fall. In Gala and Jonagold it may be appropriate to apply potassium nitrate if nitrogen levels are low.
  • Further information on potassium.


  • The application of calcium sprays should be regarded as routine on Cox, Bramley, Egremont Russet and Spartan. The effectiveness of the programme should be judged against mineral composition standards for good storage quality.
  • Calcium chloride is the preferred salt for most cultivars for the control of bitter pit and related disorders. A minimum programme would apply 72 kg hectare-1 of 78% flaked grade calcium chloride per season.
  • In Egremont Russet, 110 kg hectare-1 of calcium nitrate prills (79% calcium nitrate) per season is preferred in order to avoid leaf scorch associated with the use of the chloride form.
  • In Cox, the nitrate form of calcium is preferred as fruit firmness is likely to be retained more effectively than with the use of the chloride form. Care is required in its application to avoid any lenticel injury to the fruit.
  • To derive maximum effect from calcium sprays, apply the full amount of material per season regardless of water volume and apply from June to as near harvest as is practicable. Minimise leaf scorch from calcium chloride by spraying in cool temperatures (<21oC) or by reduced spray concentration. Where spray rates are reduced increase the frequency of spraying. It may not be necessary to be as cautious about spraying in high temperatures when applying calcium chloride in water volumes of 100 litres per hectare or less.
  • Proprietary products such as ‘Wuxal type 2’ and ‘Calcium Metalosate’ have given improved results over standard flake calcium chloride when applied at equivalent rates of calcium per hectare. Other proprietary calcium products may provide similar improvements in efficacy but evidence should be provided to this effect before these are used in preference to calcium chloride (or calcium nitrate) and particularly where lower rates of calcium per hectare are advised.
  • More recently, a number of liquid formulations have been developed for foliar application including Ametros (Plant Impact Ltd), Stopit (Yara) as well as the granulated formulation Tropicote (Yara) or the prilled formulation Calcinit (Yara).
  • Foliar application of ‘PreTect’ is claimed by the manufacturers (Plant Health Care plc) to increase fruit calcium concentrations. Data provided showed calcium increases of 66% and 47% in Golden Delicious and Fuji apples respectively.
  • Further information on calcium.


  • Supplement magnesium nutrition where leaf analysis indicates sub-optimal levels or where there are visible symptoms of deficiency. Low magnesium in fruits may induce flesh breakdown in stored fruit whilst excessive levels increase susceptibility to bitter pit and related disorders.
  • Two to five applications of magnesium sulphate (20 kg 1000 l-1 ha-1) applied at 14 day intervals provide a more rapid control of magnesium deficiency than soil applied forms of magnesium. It is important to offset any increased bitter pit potential from the magnesium sprays by subsequently applying a full calcium spray programme.
  • Other proprietary products are available to rectify deficiencies of magnesium. Growers should consider the most appropriate material and method of application for their particular orchards in consultation with their advisers and spray representatives.
  • Further information on magnesium.


  • Although boron deficiency can cause serious corking problems in apples, this is rare in the UK. There are adverse effects on storage quality that result from an over supply of boron. Analysis of soils, leaves and fruits should be carried out when boron deficiency is suspected.
  • Boron deficiency can be rectified by soil application of materials such as borax (20 kg ha-1) or ‘Solubor’ (10 kg ha-1) in the spring or by 3 sprays of ‘Solubor’ (2 kg 1000 l-1 ha-1), with an appropriate wetter, starting at petal fall and repeated at 2‑3 week intervals.
  • Other proprietary products are available to rectify deficiencies of boron. Growers should consider the most appropriate material and method of application for their particular orchards in consultation with their advisers and spray representatives.
  • Further information on boron.