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Cultural control (Sooty blotch and fly speck)
- Select an orchard site that has good sunlight, good air circulation and soil drainage.
- Prune trees to reduce shading and encourage good air circulation.
- Both sooty blotch and fly speck are encouraged by shading and wet conditions.
- Therefore, any pruning that opens up the trees and encourages good air circulation and rapid drying will reduce the diseases.
- Fruit thinning to aid air circulation around fruit will also reduce disease.
- Good weed control under the trees to promote air circulation will also help.
- Ideally, elimination of wild reservoir hosts to reduce inoculum is required.
- However, this is impractical and not conducive to good environmental practices.
- Mowing banks and keeping hedgerows well trimmed may help.
- Some sooty blotch on fruit can be rubbed off during grading.