Chemical control (Fireblight)

In other countries where fireblight is prevalent, preventative sprays of copper or antibiotics are applied during high risk periods, generally in bloom.

  • Copper compounds are phytotoxic and none are recommended for use on apples after bud burst.
  • The use of antibiotics is not permitted in the UK.

AHDB Horticulture funded Project TF 183 to study the effects of novel biocontrol agents and health promoters at controlling fireblight in pears. The biopesticide treatments were applied at bud burst and repeated weekly, 15 times.  Serenade ASO (Bacillus subtilis) was found to be the most effective treatment. It did not completely eliminate the disease but its effectiveness may be improved by timing applications according to prediction models.

  • Serenade ASO is authorised for use on apples (EAMU 2360/18) for the control of Botrytis, and when applied for that purpose, will offer some incidental control of fireblight.