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Neonectria rot - symptoms of Neonectria fruit rot
- The fruit rot occurs on the eye, the stalk end or on the cheek.
- The rots are soft, slightly sunken, with the rotted part easily scooped out from the sound flesh.
- Eye rots are visible in the orchard from early summer as well as in store.
- They are usually brown in colour with white/creamy cobwebby sporing pustules visible on mature rots.
- Cheek and stalk-end rots only appear in store and are circular, brown with pale brown centres.
- Neonectria rots appear in cold-stored fruit from late December onwards and increase in incidence the longer the fruit is stored.
- The rot colour depends on variety and storage conditions.
- Rots on fruit stored in low oxygen tend to be green in colour with very little sporulation, whereas those in higher oxygen storage tend to be brown with white/creamy sporing pustules.