Natural enemies (Green apple aphid)

Predatory insects and spiders

  • A wide range of predatory insects, including  anthocorid, mirid and nabid bugs, ladybird adults and larvae, hoverfly, predatory midge and lacewing larvae and spiders feed on green apple aphid.
  • However, the black ant, Lasius niger, is usually attendant in green apple aphid colonies and defends them from predators.

Parasitic wasps

The parasitic wasp Trioxys angelicae is the most important parasitoid of green apple aphid, though the aphid is parasitised by many other species including Ephedrus persice, Ephedrus platigator, Lipolexis gracilis, Lysiphlebus fabarum, Praon volucre and Trioxys auctus.

  • The parasites lay their eggs (usually singly) in the body of the aphid which continue to feed during the early stages of development of the parasite.
  • The parasites eventually pupate within or beneath the skeleton of the aphid forming a so-called ‘aphid mummy’. Trioxys angelicae also parasitises rosy apple aphid and rosy leaf curling aphid.
  • Although parasitic wasps are common natural enemies of green apple aphid, they are not usually abundant enough to greatly reduce aphid populations.

Fungal parasites:
Outbreaks of fungal disease (Entomophthora planchoniana and E. fresenii) have been recorded in green apple aphid colonies. Outbreaks occur in warm, humid or wet conditions.