Join a Niab Vine and Wine Club

WineGB South East members may receive a £150 subsidy, reducing the cost to £350 + VAT. This subsidy is limited to 1 membership per person.
Enter first name and surname

To pay for your membership you will be invoiced and asked to pay by bank transfer within 30 days.

Write in any areas of viticulture, viticulture research or winemaking that particularly interest you.

Important, please read: By sharing your details with us you allow us to send you information about the NIAB vine and wine clubs and future related information. You can unsubscribe at any time from our emails using the links at the bottom of each mailing. We will never share your information with third parties. For more information please read the NIAB Group Privacy Policy.

Terms and Conditions of Membership

  • Club membership is arranged on a per person basis, as opposed to a company basis, and attendance at events cannot be exchanged or replaced by another company staff member
  • There is no limit to the number of staff from any one company that can join the clubs
  • Prompt payment of a membership invoice is to be made within 30 days of receipt
  • Any member who withdraws from a funded research project as a partner after notification of a successful grant application will have their membership revoked with immediate effect
  • Places at members’ events may be limited so prompt payment of membership fees is crucial to secure membership and involvement
  • No refunds will be issued once the annual subscription has been paid
  • Expired members will not be permitted access to events unless membership is renewed
  • NIAB reserves the right to refuse to issue annual membership at its own discretion and without justification
  • The annual research days shall take place each year on a date to be determined by the organisers in conjunction with club members. Initially hosted by NIAB at East Malling, the events could be repeated at additional locations across the UK, depending on membership and demand outside of Southeast England in future
  • The frequency and content of newsletters may vary depending on research developments and availability
  • The opportunity to host or participate in funded research work is subject to project criteria and availability
  • Access to confidential scientific expert advice and guidance is subject to availability and reasonable notice. Guidance might include topics such as setting up a trial in your own vineyard for your staff at a cost of £1,000 +VAT per day within business hours (half days or hours will not be available)
  • These terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice, but members will be notified of any changes.