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Cultural control (Phytophthora)
- Throw dropped fruit into alleyway and macerate to encourage rapid rotting.
- Apply 5% urea spray prior to leaf fall and after leaf fall macerate up leaves in the orchard to encourage rapid breakdown and reduce the risk of colonisation by Phytophthora.
- Mulch soil surface to reduce risk of soil splash.
- Avoid overall herbicide in orchards.
- Selectively harvest fruit where a risk has been determined so that only fruit picked above ½ metre from the ground, and therefore less likely to be soil splashed, are stored.
- Avoid placing bulk bins in mud at harvest time.
- Put mud flaps on tractors to avoid mud splash on to fruit during transport.
- Where a Phytophthora risk has been determined and no fungicide treatment applied, schedule fruit for earlier marketing to minimise losses in store.