In the orchard
Since the rot is not usually visible in the orchard and the inoculum ubiquitous and not a limiting factor, disease monitoring as a basis for decisions is not possible.
- The incidence of dry-eye rot in the orchard is not related to subsequent rotting in store.
- Forecasting methods are being developed for Botrytis rot on other fruit and flower crops such as strawberry.
- These systems are not appropriate for Botrytis as a wound pathogen and currently unlikely to be applicable to Botrytis eye rot until the factors affecting rot development in store are identified.
Rot risk assessment
Since some orchards appear to be more prone to Botrytis eye rot in store, it is possible to obtain some idea of the risk of rotting in store based on:
- History of Botrytis eye rot (from packhouse records)
- Rainfall June to harvest (average or >average during this period indicates a possible risk)
Decisions on the risk of Botrytis eye rot on Cox
To minimise losses from Botrytis eye rot developing in store fruit should be scheduled for earlier marketing where:
- There is a risk of Botrytis eye rot identified from rot history (moderate to high incidence).
- The rainfall during summer has been average or greater than average.