
Dr Bethany Love

Bethany is a post-doc in the quantitative genetics group, part of the plant genetics department at NIAB. In her current role, Bethany works in various projects spanning a wide array of crops including wheat, herbage, Gynandropsis gynandra, Aegilops tauschii, Tef and barley. Her focus lies in genome-wide association studies, designing and analysing trials and other statistical analyses to uncover novel insights into crop genetics.

Dr Joseph Martlew

Joe has over 10 years applied agricultural research experience, with expertise in soil science, machinery and agronomy. With a mixed background in commercial and academic roles, Joe has a strong interest in how farm management approaches are brought together into resilient farming systems.

Dr Mark Fletcher

Mark joined Niab in July 2024 as Head of Agronomy Services.

He leads Niab's team of 20 agronomists and consultants who deliver technical and consultancy services across the country. This includes overseeing the translation of Niab’s wide-ranging research programme, including member-funded agronomy trials, into on-farm advice to support productive, resilient, regenerative farming for members, customers and stakeholders.

Richard Horsnell

Research interests

Richard has worked in NIAB’s wheat pre-breeding department since its inception in 2007. He played a significant role in producing two Multi-Parent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross (MAGIC) populations which have provided a valuable resource for dissecting trait genetic architecture.

Dr Manisha Sharma

Research Interests

I am a research professional with a PhD in plant molecular biology. My passion lies in using molecular and bioinformatics tools to explore the interactions between plants and their environment, focusing on enhancing crop production and sustainability. Currently, I contribute to innovative project as a Plant Molecular Biologist at NIAB, focusing on regulatory elements in crops. My expertise includes various molecular techniques, biochemistry, and plant physiology.

Jasmine Toole

My role is split in two. The soil sampling side of my job has me in the field digging for root and soil samples which I then analyse. On the knowledge exchange side of my role, I organise knowledge transfer events such as webinars and farm walks as well as create dissemination materials which are aimed at farmers and agronomists.

Current research/PhD projects

Centre for High Carbon Capture
20 partners
Defra, Innovate UK


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