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Relationship between size and weight
- Depending on the density of the apple (and this will vary within as well as between varieties) size/weight relationships can vary markedly.
- This can cause considerable problems with accurate size and targeted weights in final packs.
- There are always ‘difficult sizes’ within any range of sizes. For example, where the standard size has been 65-70 mm in Cox, a reduction in size range to 63-68 mm will often make achieving the target weight impractical where fruit density varies on a regional basis.
- The lower density of Discovery will dictate lower pack ‘target weights’ than, for example Cox.
- This will impact on increased haulage charges per lb/kg of fruit.
- Delivering accurate size and consistent pack weights will depend on optimising performance where a weight grader is used.
- Optical cameras for sizing will improve sizing accuracy, but fruit density will still influence pack weights particularly where packs are by ‘count’ but a minimum pack weight is still required.