Shiny black and found on the bark of apple trees.
Grey to dark bluish grey, dusted with a white waxy powder and with short, black, tapering honey tubes which are flanged at the tip.
Other pests with which rosy leaf curling aphid may be confused
Rosy apple aphid
- The adult aphid and nymphs of rosy apple aphid and rosy leaf curling aphid are very similar in appearance.
- Both pests cause leaf curling but the rosy apple aphid does not cause the bright red coloration of leaves which is only caused by the rosy leaf curling aphid.
Apple leaf curling midge
- Curling of leaves in the shoot tips is often caused by larvae of the apple leaf midge and the leaf curls often develop a reddish colour.
- However, leaves damaged by this pest are tightly curled, often upwards, and contain small, white or pinkish maggot like larvae of the apple leaf midge.