Length 9-12 mm, forewings purplish ochreous with distinctive dark reddish brown markings.
Flat, almost circular, light green. Black centre when mature. Laid in scale-like batches on leaves.
Up to 22 mm long. Yellow-green, olive green or dark green, usually with a black head, though head colour is not diagnostic. Last body segment breathing pores (spiracle) larger than rest. Spins fine webbing and often occurs in leaf rolls or beneath a leaf tied to fruit.
Other pests with which fruit tree tortrix moth may be confused
Larvae of several leaf-rolling tortrix moths are very similar and are difficult to distinguish from each other.
Larvae of the summer fruit tortrix moth, Adoxophyes orana, occur commonly in orchards in the UK, especially in the south and east, and are particularly difficult to distinguish from those of the fruit tree tortrix moth.