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Pre-grading assessment
- As soon as the store is opened an assessment of the fruit from each orchard should be undertaken. In practical terms this may have to be an on-going process due to access to fruit from particular orchards.
- Ideally 100 apples taken from a minimum of 20 bins from each orchard should be assessed and sized in 5mm bands.
- Assessment should be made against the intended customer specification.
- Assessments for fruit in each size band will take into account all the visual, textural, internal and organoleptic criteria indicated above.
- This then enables fruit to be allocated to different customers much easier before it is graded.
- Once an assessment report has been made, and customer target confirmed, levels of staff on the inspection tables can be decided and any instructions given regarding particular defects.
- On-going assessment of raw material from each orchard should continue to take place on a daily basis to confirm the status of the fruit prior to grading. The results should be recorded and entered into a raw material assessment repor.