Site altitude, aspect and slope Provision of adequate shelter in the orchard Frost damage Suitable pollinating varieties Self fertility Pollination using ornamental crab apples or other Malus species Production of adequate quantities of viable pollen The number of trees of the pollinating variety planted in relation to the numbers of the main variety The management of the pollinating variety in the orchard Creating suitable habitat for wild insects suitable for pollinating Attractiveness to honey bees The influence of spray chemicals on pollen germination and growth Applying sprays of macro- and micronutrients to aid pollen germination, pollen tube growth and fruit set Installation of a frost protection system Use of chemical sprays designed to provide some protection from frost and winds The Effective Pollination Period or EPP Supplementing pollen supply in the orchard using floral bouquets Supplementing pollen supply in the orchard by grafting Pollen compatibility Pioneer and mentor pollen effects Pollen quality (viability) Dormancy and synchrony of flowering times The stigmatic surface and style Induction of fruit set and retention with plant growth regulating chemicals Branch orientation and its effect on fruit set and retention Vigour of shoot growth and its effect on fruit set and retention