Plant Molecular Biologist
Research Interests
I am a research professional with a PhD in plant molecular biology. My passion lies in using molecular and bioinformatics tools to explore the interactions between plants and their environment, focusing on enhancing crop production and sustainability. Currently, I contribute to innovative project as a Plant Molecular Biologist at NIAB, focusing on regulatory elements in crops. My expertise includes various molecular techniques, biochemistry, and plant physiology.
Research Projects
Community Resource for Wheat and Rice Transformation
Research publications
- Manisha Sharma, Lokesh Kumar Saini, Barkha Ravi; Soma Ghosh, Sonam Pahuja, Nidhi Singh, Girdhar K. Pandey (2023). Overexpression of ARM repeat/U-box containing E3 ligase, PUB2 positively regulates growth and oxidative stress response in Arabidopsis. Biochem J. 480 (9): 555–571.
- Manisha Sharma, Diana Fuertes, Jordi Perez-Gil and Maria L. Lois (2021) SUMOylation in Phytopathogen Interactions: Balancing Invasion and Resistance. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 9:703795.
- Manisha Sharma and Girdhar Kumar Pandey (2018). OsPUB75, an Armadillo/U-box protein interacts with GSK3 kinase and function as negative regulator of abiotic stress responses. Env.and Exp Biology 161:388-398
- Manisha Sharma, Amarjeet Singh, Alka Shankar, Amita Pandey, Vinay Baranwal, Sanjay Kapoor, Akhilesh K. Tyagi and Girdhar K. Pandey. (2014) Comprehensive Expression Analysis of Rice Armadillo Gene Family During Abiotic Stress and Development. DNA Research. 21(3):267-83