Experience abroad

Comprehensive summaries of the conditions recommended for the storage of commercially important varieties of apples throughout the world were provided by Meheriuk (1993) and more recently by Kupferman (1997).  It is clear from these summaries that the recommended storage conditions for any particular variety varies considerably between different growing regions. Individual recommendations for varieties grown in other countries including Ontario in Canada are available on-line.

  • Climatic conditions have a major influence on the response of apples to conditions imposed during storage.  Therefore it is not possible to establish universal standard conditions for any particular variety.
  • Similarly morphological and physiological differences among varieties affect their response to applied CA conditions which necessitates factorial experiments (carbon dioxide x oxygen x temperature) over several seasons to establish safe effective regimes.
  • It is important that growers do not adopt storage regimes advocated in other growing regions as serious damage could be induced in the fruit.
  • It is helpful to researchers to be aware of the storage regimes used around the world as these indicate the comparative sensitivities of varieties to low temperatures, lowered oxygen and elevated carbon dioxide.
  • This information is helpful in the planning of storage experiments for varieties grown in the UK.