Botrytis rot - cultural control

Since Botrytis is ubiquitous in orchards, elimination of inoculum sources is impossible and cultural methods of control are not appropriate for control of Botrytis eye rot.

  • However, successful prevention and control of Botrytis as a wound rot, like Penicillium rot is dependent on good crop handling and hygiene.
  • In the orchard, throw discarded fruit into the alleyway where they can be macerated and more rapidly broken down.
  • Remove old rotted fruit from bulk bins and scrub and clean as they come off the grader.
  • Keep packhouse areas clean to minimise contamination of water flumes in packhouses.
  • Supervise pickers at harvest to minimise fruit damage and ensure damaged fruit is not stored.
  • Ensure that only fruit of the correct mineral status is stored long term.