Use of SmartFresh with other dessert varieties

Other dessert cultivars of apple

Only limited research has been carried out at The Produce Quality Centre on other dessert varieties although commercial experience of the effects of SmartFreshTM application is increasing. Lack of response in some of these preliminary trials may be due to harvesting fruit too late or removing fruit from store too early when untreated fruit may not have softened sufficiently to establish any potential firmness differences. For the latest information on the use of SmartFreshTM on UK-grown apples contact the supplier, Landseer Ltd.

Jonagold, Idared and Fiesta

  • CA-stored fruit responded well to SmartFreshTM application in terms of firmness retention.

Spartan and Meridian

  • No significant response to SmartFreshTM application in fruit stored in CA for 90 days at NIAB.
  • However, in commercial SmartFreshTM applications carried out over the past four years a firmness benefit was found in both varieties.


  • Although Braeburn responded well in terms of firmness retention, SmartFreshTM application induced core flush in 75% of fruits.
  • Since development of core flush currently limits the storage life of CA-stored Braeburn. It is clear that SmartFreshTM application cannot be recommended for this variety.


No research has been carried out in the UK but it is clear from work done in the USA and Canada that SmartFreshTM application exacerbates the risk of external CO2 injury.

  • It appears that SmartFreshTM application extends the ‘adaptation’ period between harvest and establishing CA conditions (Razafimbelo et al., 2006) that is necessary to eliminate the risk of CO2 injury.
  • In response to the heightened risk of CO2 injury due to SmartFreshTM application, it is recommended that the CO2 concentration for CA-stored Empire apples is maintained below 0.5%.
  • Successful commercials applications of SmartFreshTM have been made to Empire in the UK.

Other traditional dessert varieties

The following varieties were reported as showing a firmness increase following SmartFreshTM application when stored in air until Christmas (Tully, 2003):

Lord Lambourne, Ribston Pippin, Kidds OrangeRed, Elstar, Chivers Delight, Ashmeads Kernel, Falstaff, Blenheim Orange, Jupiter and D’Arcy Spice.