Use of SmartFresh with Egremont Russet

Egremont Russet – benefits

  • SmartFreshTM application improved the quality of fruit stored in air and CA conditions.
  • Fruit treated with SmartFreshTM prior to air storage for 90 days remained firm and free of scald and other disorders. However, extending storage in air to 180 days proved too long for SmartFreshTM-treated fruit with fruits being affected by rotting, scald and internal disorders.
  • The storage of SmartFreshTM-treated fruit in refrigerated air should be terminated in December.
  • SmartFreshTM application improved the firmness and reduced the development of breakdown and core flush in fruits stored in CA (5% CO2 + 3% O2) for 180 days. Termination dates for CA-stored fruit are similar for fruits treated or not treated with SmartFreshTM .
  • Since Egremont apples produce very high levels of ethylene the application of SmartFreshTM should be carried out as soon as possible after harvest and preferably within 3 days.
  • Where SmartFreshTM has been applied to commercial stores of Egremont Russet improved control of bitter pit was evident in fruit picked at the mid-point of the harvesting ‘window’ and stored under appropriate CA conditions.

Egremont Russet – constraints / limitations

  • There are concerns about the flavour quality of early-picked SmartFreshTM-treated fruit removed from CA storage before Christmas.
  • Consequently SmartFreshTM should not be used on early-picked fruit for pre-Christmas marketing.