Control (Silver leaf)

There are no fungicides currently recommended as sprays for control of silver leaf. Bezel (tebuconazole) was previously recommended as a paint for application to pruning wounds for the control of Neonectria canker but this approval lapsed in 2015. Other coatings, e.g. BlocCade, provide a physical coating for protecting plant wounds against infection caused by fungi such as silver leaf. To be effective, wounds must be treated immediately after pruning.   Effective control is mainly dependent on orchard hygiene and cultural measures.

  • Remove and burn dead trees before silver leaf fruiting bodies are formed.
  • Do not stack wood from felled apple trees at the orchard edge as silver leaf fruiting bodies may form and provide a large source of inoculum.
  • Check surrounding hedges and woodland for silvered trees and silver leaf fruiting bodies and remove and burn.
  • Avoid pruning in wet weather when the risk of the silver leaf fungus infecting wounds is much greater.