Recognition (Green apple aphid)

Green apple aphid with dark siphunculi

Shiny black and found on the bark of apple trees on rough bark round buds.

Bright or yellowish green. Honey tubes (siphunculi) moderately long (about the same length as the distance between their bases), black or dark brown. Cauda (‘tail’) finger-like.

Other pests with which the pest may be confused

Apple grass aphid

  • This is the other aphid species that occurs commonly on apple and which has a green colour.
  • However, the apple grass aphid has darker green longitudinal stripes and has pale green, short (much shorter than the separation between their bases), honey tubes which are flanged at the tip.
  • Apple grass aphid is abundant on the rosette leaves and amongst trusses from green cluster to shortly after blossom whereas the green apple aphid is more troublesome in summer.