Minute, 0.16-0.18mm long, wedge-shaped mites, yellowish-brown in colour, with two pairs of legs, each leg terminating in a branched feather-claw. Body annulated and with a distinct dorsal shield bearing a pair of setae on the hind margin. Two forms exist – the summer form (protogyne) and the winter form (deutogyne). Morphological differences between the forms can only be distinguished with the aid of a good microscope.
Similar to adults but much smaller.
Minute, oval and translucent. Only visible with a microscope.
Other pests with which the pest may be confused
Fruit tree red spider mite also causes bronzing of leaves and often occurs in association with apple rust mite because insufficient predatory mites are present to regulate pest mite populations. However, the fruit tree red spider mite has a completely different appearance to the apple rust mite.