Thursday 19th May 2022
Lordship Farm, North End Road, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1RE
The potential for Controlled Traffic Farming (CTF) to provide both economic and environmental benefit has been well documented. But how is it working in practice? And what is shaping its development in the UK?
Join us at NIAB's trials site in Hinxton to hear some of the most up to date thinking in the area. Speakers include:
- Tim Chamen, CTF Europe, will discuss the latest developments in gantry systems and what this might mean for the application of these technologies to CTF in the UK;
- Will Smith, Senior Trials Manager at NIAB, will talk about the potential use of inter-row cultivation for weed control in cereal crops - and how it can be integrated into a CTF approach;
- Mark Leaman, Director of Resource Management at NIAB, will share his practical experiences of CTF by looking at two contrasting fields at NIAB's Cambridge-Hinxton site.
In addition to the sessions, there will be ample opportunity for discussion and sharing with fellow practitioners - whether you are experienced in, or new to, CTF.
Event programme
1.30pm Lunch and registration
2.00pm Presentations
2.30pm Field demonstration and talks
Finish time: 4pm.
Entry fee
- CTF Network members £10 + VAT
- NIAB TAG members £10 + VAT
- Non-members £15 + VAT
Includes event entry and lunch. Please note, you must register prior to the event to gain entry.