TAG Consulting provides impartial and independent advice to the progressive grower requiring individual guidance for your farm. The client decides the level of service provision, ranging from a regular, hands-on relationship with the farm business, or occasional strategic discussions as required. Our service fees reflect the level of involvement.
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Services can include regular and routine crop inspection, and guidance based on in-the-field observations. Longer-term strategies can be formulated to keep the farm business competitive and profitable, with the benefits including improved gross margins and the confidence that the farm’s agronomy is in safe hands. Options include:
- Crop and rotation strategies
- Labour and machinery planning
- Variety choice and cultivation strategies
- Cost-effective input selection for individual fields
- Fertiliser and nutrient management plans
- ELS guidance
- Regular newsletters to remind clients of action points
- Soil management and crop protection plans
- Business planning
- Budgetary control systems
- Labour and machinery planning
- Farm benchmarking
- Rural payments advice and services
- Farm diversification plans and grant application