Wednesday 30 November 2022
This year’s annual soft fruit day was presented by NIAB as a virtual event to provide the industry with the latest results of a wide range of research projects led by NIAB and other researchers. The event covered the latest findings from NIAB’s WET Centre projects, updates on the performance of new Malling™ strawberry and raspberry varieties, the latest pest and disease research, SWD dedicated work and some interesting findings from three CTP studentship projects.
Watch now Introduction and welcome (Scott Raffle)
Session 1: WET Centre Research Activities
Watch now Tunnel microclimate and other research at The WET Centre (Trevor Wignall, NIAB)
Watch now SMART Fert – Refining nutrient delivery systems (Carlotta Gonzalez-Noguer, NIAB)
Watch now Berry Predictor – Technology to predict Class 1 yields (Mark Else, NIAB)
Watch now Progress towards recycled coir media in soft fruit (Matevz Papp-Rupar, NIAB)
Session 2: Crop Protection and Growing Kent & Medway Update
Watch now Research into Phytophthora root rot in raspberry (Eithne Browne, NIAB)
Watch now Improved methods for monitoring thrips in strawberry (Andrew Gladman, ADAS)
Watch now Employing parasitoids in aphid control strategies (Celine Silva, NIAB)
Watch now Attracting and retaining hoverflies in soft fruit crops (Adam Walker, NIAB)
Watch now Growing Kent & Medway sustainable production, products and packagaing (Robert Saville, NIAB)
Session 3: New Developments in Spotted Wing Drosophila Control
Watch now Probandz: A cost-effective adjuvant for spotted wing drosophila management (Clare Sampson, Russell IPM)
Watch now Impact of SWD bait sprays on beneficial insects (Bethan Shaw, NIAB)
Watch now Further progress with sterile insect technique for SWD control (Glen Slade, BigSis)
Watch now Oviposition deterrent for SWD (Trisna Tungadi, Keele University)
Watch now Working towards SWD resistance in strawberry and raspberry (Adam Whitehouse, NIAB)
Session 4: Crop manipulation and cultivar development
Presentation to come - Towards year-round production of UK strawberries (Sophie Read, University of Reading)
Watch now Optimising light recipes for strawberry (Winnie Swann, University of Reading)
Watch now Update on performance of Malling™ Fruits varieties (Alin Borleanu, NIAB)