NIAB wants to hear the views of farmers and growers on pollinators on-farm.
Why do we need your views?
The Government is developing the new Environmental Land Management Schemes and associated payments. An important feature of these schemes will be actions and payments to encourage active pollinator management. NIAB EMR is part of the BEESPOKE project. This project is developing bespoke wildflower mixes to deliver services to crops, both pollination and natural pest control and to provide guides and training for farmers on management of pollinators and measurement of pollination.
To help ensure effective policy design to benefit growers and farmers it is important to understand which interventions are attractive, which are not and what are the current barriers to uptake. To better understand farmer and grower attitudes and issues regarding pollinator management, we invite you to participate in this short survey. Your responses will also inform the design of farm level guides and training materials to support practical pollinator management.
Finally, the results of the survey will be shared with Natural England to positively inform future policy design.