NIAB seed-testing success in Brazil

8 Dec 2009

NIAB’s Jane Taylor (centre back row) in Brazil with course delegates from the country’s official government seed testing laboratoryThe Brazilian Government has used experts from the UK’s National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) to train the country’s seed testing and sampling officials to recognised international standards.

Jane Taylor, chief officer at the Official Seed Testing Station (OSTS) for England and Wales based at NIAB in Cambridge, spent a week in Brazil providing specialist training and practical guidance on the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) principles of seed sampling and testing.

The request for the consultancy followed a two-day visit in June 2008 to the OSTS by Dr Myriam Alvisi, head of Brazil’s official government seed testing laboratory Laboratório Oficial de Análise de Sementes (LASO) and Dr Leda Mendonca from the policy division of the Brazilian Government’s agricultural department Ministerio da Agricultura Pecuaria e Abastecimento (MAPA).

“We were LASO’s first choice for advice and guidance on seed testing issues in preparation for an ISTA audit. Dr Alvisi and Dr Mendonca were very impressed with Jane’s knowledge and expertise as well as the seed testing facilities at the OSTS, and we’re delighted to announce that following her visit LASO achieved official ISTA accreditation,” explains NIAB’s client services director Dr John Hutchins.

The trip included lectures and practical demonstrations on ISTA’s principles for seed sampling and seed testing. “We covered sampling of seed lots, quality assurance, purity analysis, and germination assessment. The 15 delegates also learnt seed identification of grass and clover species, moisture testing and how to check coated seeds,” says Mrs Taylor.

For further information contact:
Jane Taylor, OSTS chief officer,NIAB
T: 01223 342261

Dr John Hutchins, client services director, NIAB
T: 01223 342262

Issued by:
Ros Lloyd, Front Foot Communications
T: 01487 831425