Published in print and digital format, visitors can take copies from any NIAB stand at fruit and horticultural trade shows across this year, including the Fruit Focus event at East Malling on 10th July, as well as being available at NIAB offices in East Malling and Cambridge. View or download a digital copy at niab.com.
Horticultural Knowledge Exchange Manager and the Review’s editor Scott Raffle explains: “The 2023 Review was very well received by the fruit industry, providing businesses with an overview of the breadth and depth of our research work and expertise at NIAB. The publication has a wide reach across the industry, helping us to raise the profile of what we do.”
The 2024 Review provides a portfolio of the wide range of current fruit research work at NIAB, with summaries of recently commissioned projects and feature articles with results of ongoing projects. It also provides updates on the activities of The WET Centre, The Plum Demonstration Centre and the rapidly evolving Research Vineyard and Wine Innovation Centre.
The 52 pages of content includes project summaries on the breeding for improved plant architecture in strawberry, optimising the propagation of strawberry plants in total controlled environment agriculture to maximise yield potential, development of digital crop management systems for early detection of pest and disease, and a whole range of projects seeking novel approaches to pest and disease control. There are also progress reports on the work NIAB is doing to improve crop protection in the fruit industry, to combat the diminishing number of authorised crop protection products.
It also summarises progress in both the rubus breeding and apple rootstock breeding programmes, whilst offering an overview of our latest activities to support the development of recycled coir growing media. A significant section briefs readers of the many and varied activities within the Growing Kent & Medway programme, which support plant-based food and drink industries in the Kent and Medway region.