The ‘Green Book’, and its online equivalent at ukpesticideguide.co.uk, is THE essential reference for a wide range of audiences involved in pesticide use and recommendation. It covers all pesticide products and adjuvants approved for use in agriculture, amenity, forestry and horticulture, including new active ingredient profiles and many new formulations for a wide selection of different crops.
The UK Pesticide Guide Online is updated throughout the year, a searchable database by product, active, mode of action, activity class and chemical class with additional information not found in the ‘Green Book’. The print version 2020 BCPC UK Pesticide Guide provides information on products valid for approval at the time the Guide went to print in October 2019.
Martin Lainsbury, editor of The UK Pesticide Guide, explains that 2019 saw the impending loss of a number of key active ingredients including, most notably, the fungicide chlorothalonil which is used on its own and in mixture with a number of other actives.
“For 2020 there are more product losses than gains, but on the positive side there is the launch of a new triazole (mefentrifluconazole) from BASF. It will need protecting against fungal resistance if we are to keep that activity. We also see a new residual herbicide, aclonifen, for use in potatoes and a new insecticide, sulfoxaflor, for control of aphids and whitefly on Curcurbitae and ornamentals under protection,” says Mr Lainsbury.
Subscribe at www.bcpc.org to the online resource (£70 + VAT per annum) and receive a 50% discount on The UK Pesticide Guide 2020. The book is available now, priced from £58 (+p&p)
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