Natural enemies (Rhynchites control)

Around the world several organisms are know to attack various Rhynchities spp.

  • In the USA, Rhynchities spp. larvae are parasitized by ichneumonid wasps of the genus temelucha.
  • In laboratory studies it has been possible to infect Rhynchities spp larvae with the nematode Steinenernema feltiae.
  • The larvae died within 3 days.

Both trichogrammatid and braconids have been reared from the eggs of Rhynchites spp.

  • Parasitized eggs change in appearance, the chorion becoming opaque, yellowish, thickened and wrinkled.
  • The existence of these parasitoids of Rhynchites spp. provides potential biological control agents.

However, as there is a lack of biological and ecological information on these parasitic species and how to exploit them, it may be difficult to apply them in a practical situation.