Customer specification

Depending on which outlet the fruit is intended for i.e. multiple, wholesale, or processing, assessment will need to reflect customer specification.

  • All standards will involve visual, textural, internal and organoleptic characteristics.
  • Multiple standards will be the highest for all quality characteristics, but processing will still require fruit of good shape and freedom from internal problems including under skin bruising.
  • The minimum standard for any product sold into the wholesale or multiple sector must meet EC (Defra) standards.
  • Visual standards cover shape, colour, and the amount of bruising and blemish, freedom from pests, diseases and foreign matter.
  • Textural standards recognise that good textured fruit are generally firm. Firmness measurements are a standard requirement for all multiple customers, and all now use an electronic penetrometer also known as Fruit Texture Analyser (FTA).
  • Good textural quality will also be associated with fruit tissue in which cells break under pressure from the teeth thus releasing juice and flavour. In contrast in fruits that are described as ‘mealy’ or ‘floury’ the cells will separate under pressure from teeth and will fail to liberate juice. Currently there is no instrument that is equivalent to the penetrometer that can be used to indicate an acceptable texture in soft fruit.
  • Internal standards require freedom from disorders such as bitter pit, low temperature and senescent breakdown, carbon-dioxide injury, etc.  
  • Organoleptic standards are concerned with levels of sugar (oBrix) and acidity and freedom from any taints or off-flavours. Overall acceptance by taste panels will be part of some customer specifications.
  • All consignments of fruit supplied to multiple retailers must be traceable. They should be from an approved source and an Assured Produce number is required where the Red Tractor logo is used.
  • Also individual multiple retailers have different audit requirements on top of Assured Produce that need to be achieved. For example, Tesco has its Nature’s Choice standard, M&S has Field to Fork and Waitrose has adopted LEAF.