Wednesday 23rd October, 10.00-15.00
Niab, Morley Business Centre, Deopham Road, Morley, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 9DF
Parking will be available at the event. Please follow the blue Niab flags at the entrance and signs directing you where to park
10.00-10.30 Registration and coffee
10.30-10.50 Introduction and CHCx3 project introduction – Lydia Smith, CHCx3 Project Lead, Niab
10.50-11.30 Overview of the trial – Dr Nathan Morris and Jack Poulden, Niab
11.45-13.00 Field tour of ongoing cover crop trials
13.00-14:00 Lunch
14.00-15.00 Carbon storage under cover crops - Liz Bowles, Chief Executive Officer at Farm Carbon Toolkit
15.00 Closing remarks and depart